To assist with the stock control of medicines and sundries, includingstock rotation, putting goods away and return of goods from wards and departments using the JAC computer system within Stores. To receive and unpack medicines and sundries and enter into the JACcomputer system. To participate in the ward top-up scheme for the ordering, assembly, checking, delivery and stock rotation of drug supplies to wards and departments. Care and cleaning of designated area used for the stocking of medicines and equipment used in Dispensary.
To assist with the stock control of medicines and sundries, including stockrotation and putting goods away in Dispensary. To assist with the daily distribution of bulk fluids to wards and departments. To process Pharmacy Extra Stock Orders (yellow slips) for extra bulk stockrequirements for wards and departments. To participate in and assist in the ordering of bulk fluids for wards and therenal unit in liaison with the Senior Pharmacy Assistant Technical Officer.
Please see the attached job description for full details..